Planning Blog


Our three actors will begin holding snacks from a convenience store, including chips and soda. We plan to buy these supplies at the convenience store when we arrive. We will also later use a simple backpack, borrowed from Ariel, a flashlight, borrowed from Naliah, a game controller that can be borrowed from Naliah or one of our actors, and a fake knife which will be bought online. Fake blood will also be used to dress the costumes. 


Evan, Sam, and Noah will wear average clothes for their portrayed high school age, likely including jeans and T-shirts. Chico the Chihuahua will be suited in a simple collar and dog tag, which he already owns, and dressed in some fake blood.  


We will have three main filming locations: the convenience store nearby the park, the isolated road, and inner woods in Easterlin Park. No permission is needed to film at the convenience store or Easterlin Park, however we will have to film during operating hours for both places.  

Health & Safety: 

In the interest of maintaining proper safety measures, we will not be filming after sunset for any shots. Night shots will be artificially darkened in editing. Further, our fake knife will be used carefully and sparingly, as well as tested for possible mishandling or danger. Naliah and Ariel will check and prepare both locations before filming should there be anything possibly harmful in them. Chico the chihuahua is up to date on all his shots and will be on flea and tick medication during filming to avoid contracting anything while in the woods. Chico will also be trained in basic commands and friendliness, though his relaxed and cheerful disposition already clears him in friendliness. Chico’s owner, Naliah, will also always be on set while Chico is on set to direct, control, and protect him. Dog friendly fake blood will be found or made to keep Chico safe.  



2/3/23- Storyboard Finished 

2/4-5/23- Filming Days 

2/11-12/23- Filming Days  

2/18-19/23- Editing Days (make any necessary and possible changes or revisions) 

2/20/23- Filming Day (backup day) 

2/25-26/23- Filming/ Editing Days 

3 /4-5/23-Filming/Editing Days 

3/6-10/23- Film Review Days 

3/20-24/23-Short Film Package Creation 

3/27-29/23-Short Film Package Revision 

4/6/23- Have Critical Reflection Done 



The props and costumes we chose are all common and easy to replace or borrow, except for the fake knife we plan to use. We bought a pack of four in case of damage done to one. Plus, if one convenience store is unusable, we can easily choose another to film at. Should it rain or be too unsafe to film at Easterlin Park one day, we can reschedule filming for another day. 


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