Storyboard for Chico's Revenge

 This is our full storyboard for Chico's Revenge.

Page 1- This page is the first 6 shots of the conversation that the boys have before they enter the woods. Here we see friendships and characters established. 

Page 2- These shots lead up to the boys arriving at the woods, with Evan's character as the "responsible" one being made known. 

Page 3- A sudden cut to the woods in the afternoon is shown, brining a sense of humor to the situation, as Evan clearly did not want to go. Their relationship with the woods is established here. 

Page 4- The first "scary" event happens here, with Noah having his ankle snapped at by a goose. Humor is brought in through Noah's reaction and Sam's claim of spiritual warnings. 

Page 5- This page is where things start to pick up. Noah's dead body is found and the boys start to realize that going to the woods was maybe a bad idea. 

Page 6- More humor is potrayed here (through Sam again), by him not thinking ahead, as he claims to be. 

Page 7-A bit more humor is delivered here, with Sam finally realizing his mistakes. 

Page 8- Another scary moment happens here along with a bit of humor, when Sam is snatched away from something we cannot see off screen. The main antagonist is finally shown here as well. 

Page 9- Evan and the chihuahua have a brief stand off before Evan takes off running. 

Page 10- Humor is utilized through Evan's comment about Sam as Evan gets chased down by the chihuahua. 

Page 11- Evan finally makes his escape and a final shot of the chihuahua wagging is shown.


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