CCR Blog

Creative Critical Reflection

1. Snickers uses the term hangry and exaggerates it drastically to market its products. It also uses a collectable mentality by printing different labels on their wrappers so consumers may connect with a certain label and feel compelled to purchase the product. As for social groups, Snickers represents all age groups and markets as a healthy but great tasting snack. The peanuts can be used as a health marketing point because of the nutrients they provide and the other ingredients contribute to the sweet taste.

2. Snickers engages with its audiences through skits and ongoing jokes, as well as catchphrases such as "you're not you when you're hungry," and, "Snickers satisfies." Snickers, like other brands, maintains a casual tone that connects with a wide variety of ages and creates a light, friendly atmosphere that is inviting to possible customers. Another way Snickers engages with its audience is through the change of their brand every year to six months. By changing the brand, Snickers manages to appear new and interesting almost constantly. This keeps old customers interested in the product and new customers coming to see the new changes. It is distributed as a real media text mainly through commercials and online advertisements. It can also be seen on billboards or signs in corner stores or other establishments.

3. Throughout the project I learned more about how to act and film. I can't say my acting skills are too much improved from before I started this project, however I learned a few ways to keep a straight face while acting and how to speak loud enough for the camera but not so loud that it makes my lines sound shouted and fake. With experience I learned how to position a camera to achieve the desired lighting or angle and some improvisational skills to make up for everything that didn't go exactly as planned. Another thing I learned to consider was the costumes and props. Costumes could sometimes be incomplete or messy and props could be roughed up after multiple uses. Furthermore, both costumes and props could get messy after days or even hours of being in different conditions.

4. For software, my partner and I used an editing program to edit the takes together and add the final scene with the logo and motto. The recording software on my partners I-phone was also utilized for recording the takes, shots, and audio. Software on both me and my partners phones, a school provided laptop, and my partners personal laptop was used to write blogs and gather pictures and references for the development of the commercial. In hardware, an easel and rubber band were used to hold the camera when filming certain scenes. Multiple laptops were also used for sharing information, research, and creating the blogs. 


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