
Showing posts from April, 2022


 This is my CCR Goose Interview.

Final Task

 This project has been an incredible experience, both in successes and failures. I'm not afraid to admit there are some things I could have done better, but I still believe the product I produced was something I can be proud of. I can't wait to go into Media Studies next year and see where it takes me. Thanks for taking this journey with me.

Changes from Film Review

 Using all of the responses I got from my film reviews, I made some changes to my film before officially calling it complete. The first changes I made were the little things, such as spelling errors and the length of clips. Unfortunately, after editing the length of a few clips I realized my titles didn't stay consistent to the clip they were meant for. In simpler terms, when I took ten seconds off of my film all of my titles ended up ten seconds ahead. This wasn't a major obstacle, but certainly tedious to fix. I also noticed this happen to my music to. After fixing all of these minor issues I moved on to the bigger problem: the aforementioned music. This being my first time editing a film project, I had no prior experience editing music. Of course, I take all the blame for this as I should have shared the editing responsibility more in my past projects, but what is done is done. When I went to edit my music I got confused by the editing tools presented to me and found it almo...

Friends and Family Film Review

 With my film nearly finished, the next step on my creative process is to have it reviewed before I submit it. For this task I considered many of my peers and family members, but it eventually came down to three reviews. Two people I wanted to have reviews from but couldn't get to were my Aunt Sarah and a fellow classmate Arial. I wanted to have my Aunt Sarah review my film because she is currently in college studying film, but our schedules didn't align before my deadline. Arial is in the same AICE Media Studies class as me, on the same level as well, but I forgot to contact her before the publishing of this blog. My remaining reviewers are one of my actors, Sofia O'Connell-Zamakis, one of my best friends, Nadia Akhtar, and my mother, Amber Brown. I admit that all of these participants are subject to bias through their relationships with myself, but it was ultimately unavoidable. Sofia is particularly qualified for this as she is also in AICE Media Studies, and had hands o...

Editing with a Side of Fries, Extra Salty

 I'm almost finished with editing my project and it has been more difficult than I imagined. Beginning with trimming the selected video clips, I have gotten through most of them. Trimming the videos isn't as difficult as it is time consuming. As someone easily distracted, it takes me around an hour and a half to trim the videos and add credits to 6 video clips or one page of my storyboard. I like to keep a show on my phone in the background to fill dead space while I edit. At first I thought it would be more distracting than helpful, but I realized it had the opposite effect most of the time. I could still listen to the clips to know when to trim them but when I was adding text I had something to split my focus on. Speaking of the text, I went through a process deciding how to enter it. I couldn't find my chosen font on my editing program, so I settled for the font Banschrift. It is similar to my original font, but not exactly the same. However, I still like it and think it...