Editing with a Side of Fries, Extra Salty

 I'm almost finished with editing my project and it has been more difficult than I imagined. Beginning with trimming the selected video clips, I have gotten through most of them. Trimming the videos isn't as difficult as it is time consuming. As someone easily distracted, it takes me around an hour and a half to trim the videos and add credits to 6 video clips or one page of my storyboard. I like to keep a show on my phone in the background to fill dead space while I edit. At first I thought it would be more distracting than helpful, but I realized it had the opposite effect most of the time. I could still listen to the clips to know when to trim them but when I was adding text I had something to split my focus on. Speaking of the text, I went through a process deciding how to enter it. I couldn't find my chosen font on my editing program, so I settled for the font Banschrift. It is similar to my original font, but not exactly the same. However, I still like it and think it fits for my project. I also had to change font size to an average of 52, the title rounding up to 70. This fit the screen better, especially the space I left in the videos. The way text enters and leaves the video also had to be changed. Originally, I wanted the letters of each word to slowly separate while they were on screen. However, I haven't figured out how to do that without making each letter its own entity and doing a lot of trial and error to make sure all the letters line up and separate at the same rate. I may continue to try and find an easier way to get the effect I wanted, but that would be after I finished editing everything else. For now, I'm satisfied with a simple fade in and fade out. I tried having words fade in letter by letter, but didn't like the effect. Through all these struggles, I found myself a little salty at my procrastination with much of the editing (hence the title of the blog). However, the past is the past and cannot be changed, so I will continue to chip away at this film and hopefully come out of it with a beautiful sculpture.


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