Things Get a Bit More Complicated

 March 13th was the first filming day with Sofia's second character, the Survivor. As I did for Sofia's other character, I let Sofia have a lot of creative freedom with her characters costume. Much like last time, she took my basic concept and made it more fleshed out and complete. I really appreciate the lead she takes with her characters, especially because I know she is more knowledgeable about fashion and character design. I am better with story and writing elements myself.

 Considering the scenes shot today, we finished page 4 of my storyboard. The first obstacle I faced was the second shot of the page where the Kid and Survivor run across the street. From where I had to stand with the camera I had little to no visibility of incoming cars. I would signal from behind the camera to my actors when I was ready, but it was up to them to spot cars before they started running. My actors are very competent individuals, so there was little issue after the confusion was clear. The amount of cars interrupting the scene quickly got annoying, but couldn't be helped. Thankfully, we got a great take after only a few shots, so this process wasn't incredibly long. In the future I may plan to have my shots stay off the road or on a less busy road to improve speed and safety.

 Another struggle I came across today was with the shot following the one mentioned above. Getting the right angle as the actors ran into the bathroom was difficult as the terrain wasn't even. It also hurt that there was a car parked in the background and a man and his dog fixing walking around it to fix the engine. Plus, the small area of grass between the road and bathroom gave my actors little room to run into the shot. I wound up moving the shot father right then I wanted it to be, but it all turned out okay. It was tough to shoot the angle I wanted with the environmental obstacles, but with enough tries I got a good shot.

 The final struggle I faced in this time were the scenes shot in the bathroom. The layout of the bathroom was different from what I suspected. Notably, it was a collection of stalls instead of a single toilet and sink. With the stalls it created a very narrow area to shoot inside. Plus, there is a hallway between the bathroom door and the main area with the stalls and sink, making my shots where the Survivor listens at the door much more challenging. The nature of the location, being a public bathroom, invites interruptions from people wanting to use the bathroom so I tried to speed the scenes along as quick as possible.


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