Title Design Research: Code 8
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?
17 types of titles are used in this opening sequence. The production companies, actors, casting directors, visual effects supervisor, music director, costume designer, editing director, lead colorist, production designer, director of photography, co-producer, associate producers, executive producers, lead producer, screenplay director, story director, and director are the titles used in the opening scene.
What connotations do the images carry?
Having the images be from interviews and have news headlines makes the situation seem widespread and dire. The rapid switch from comments to interviews to news to unrelated footage is disorienting and creates a frantic tone. Additionally, the clips of crime and police violence sets the tone for injustice and complicated motives.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
The opening of this movie was many things, but what makes it a thriller was how serious and mysterious it was. Using news clips and interviews brings the movie down to Earth and makes it real for the viewer. This also sets up the stakes of the film, showing the consequences and measures taken to counteract some events. The mystery is shown through how frantic and stitched together the opening was. The clips of media were just short clips, never telling you the full story just the headline, and the audio wasn't always synced to what was shown, making it hard to focus and remember it all. By the end of the opening you have no idea what the slightly slower first 30 seconds looked like.
What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
The acting and dialogue tell the audience there is a major conflict in the world and there are several perspectives on it. The editing, as I mentioned in the connotations, sets a tone of injustice and confusion. The voiceover from middle-class citizens makes the problem more down to Earth, something Thriller movies regularly include. Thriller movies are serious like a drama, have an element of mystery, and include high stakes like a horror, something Code 8 accomplishes fully.
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