Genre Research: Fractured

Common Camera Angles/Movements:

The main camera movement in the movie was tracking shots and pans. This was following cars and surveying the setting. The angles, including close ups, low angles, and aerial shots, had good variety and made the movie more enjoyable.

Common Mise-en-scence:

Most of the movie took place at a small hospital far from any urbanization. The people in the film were mostly doctors, but included police officers and other bystanders attending the hospital. This means civilian costumes and makeup, as well as standard acting that wasn't dramatized outside of the main character. 

Common Editing:

This movie had the most action-match editing out of the three I researched. There was also a lot of cross-cutting and some fade-in's. This contributes to more action or the feeling of action in this film.

Common Sound:

There was mostly non-diegetic sound here, included stabs of music and incidental music to cue every time the main character was in pain or was remembering something. However, the ambient noise of the hospital was not lost. Another sound trick used in the movie were sound bridges.

Thriller elements in the movie:

Close up shots and ambient noise are cliché thriller elements here, but the biggest trop is the setting and costumes. The middle-of-nowhere setting is isolated and small while the average costumes make the viewer focus more on the story than the make up or clothes. 

The Good Elements:

The close ups, tracking, and aerial shots in this movie caught my attention and interest. I hope to work in a tracking and aerial shot in my own film. Another thing I liked about this film and hope to emulate in my own is the ambiguous and rural setting. It is never explicitly said where the film takes place, but it is shown through long and wide shots that the area is very sparse.

The Bad Elements:

Something I don't want to see in my film is the action-match editing. I don't believe it detracts much from this movie, but I know it wouldn't fit in my own film. The normal costumes and make up may be something I avoid slightly as well, because it lacks originality.


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