Genre Decision Blog

 The three genres I chose to research in my previous blogs, horror, thriller, and mystery, were genres I thought were closest to my pitch, or at least where I saw my pitch going. While I'm a big fan of thrillers and mysteries, I'm not too fond of horror movies. The suspense and slight mystery, slight horror aspect of thrillers always has me excited to curl up on the couch with some popcorn for the next 90 minutes. I feel as though I can watch a good thriller with anyone, be it family or friends. Mystery films are very hit or miss for me. I believe a good mystery movie should be believable, intriguing, and have at least one good twist. Whenever one of these criteria are not met, I typically find myself bored with the movie. Lack of believability makes the writers seem sloppy or uncaring. Without the intrigue there's no reason to be invested in the case, it might as well stay a mystery. Finally, a bad twist can sour the whole experience. I've sat through over an hour worth of puzzle solving and building hype just to be left confused or upset at the twist. It's like eating a cake and having the cherry on top be filled with ketchup. Simply unpleasant and leaving a bad taste in your mouth that makes you forget about the cake you just ate. On the other hand, having no twist at all can leave the viewer wanting more. Without that last minute clever kick, the film becomes average or lacking in originality. When people go to talk about the film they can only give lukewarm reviews, even if the film was great, because it didn't surprise them. Plus, if a viewer succeeds in solving the mystery before the characters do it may leave them bored or unimpressed. A good twist at the end can reel them back in and restore any lost investment. As for horror, I've never been a huge fan. However, I do enjoy the buildup of tension and the clever ways film makers play with angles and sounds to cause reactions in the viewer. What turns me off from watching most horror movies is actually the horror itself. Jump-scares and gore are big elements in almost all films of this genre and I can never handle them. I can handle blood and a nasty cut or two but start disemboweling someone and I'll change the channel. This all leads me to my final decision. It may not be hard to guess from my breakdowns of each genre (I know I let my bias show), but at least give a pity drumroll for the big reveal. I have decided to do a thriller movie! I'm aware it's a popular genre, but that just means it's good. Plus, I'll have an easier time working with a genre I like rather than one of the others that I love very conditionally. 


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