Rescheduling Nightmares

 The original plan for filming and editing was to film over Thanksgiving break, specifically on 11/22 and 11/23, and edit over the following week. However, the first set back was a miscommunication between Sofia and her transportation. It was a simple date mix up, but she had to cancel filming for those two days so we rescheduled for that weekend, 11/27 and 11/28. between these times I had talked to my aunt about the project and she wanted to help us with materials. I neglected to tell her the dates we were meeting because I didn't have the times finalized. Although, in hindsight, I should have told her the days we planned and asked for her availability on those days. On the Friday of that week, the day before filming, Sofia called me to outline film times and materials, when I mentioned not having called my aunt again to confirm her attendance. I felt uncomfortable calling her on such short notice and Sofia insisted we use the materials she was offerings, specifically a camera she would let us borrow. We were ready to go on and film without my aunt, but realized we would need a third person present to film us for certain shots. Knowing this, we rescheduled again for the Friday and Sunday of the following week, 12/3 and 12/5. Once again, when these dates approached another complication arose. I accidently stayed up too late and only got four out of my usual seven hours of sleep. For some people this may not be a big issue, but my energy levels are very dependent on the amount of sleep I get, so minor changes can cause larger issues. Therefore, I felt a little too tired to film that day. I was planning on pushing through it regardless, but Sofia admitted something had come up for her as well and she wanted to reschedule. To unnecessarily add, my aunt had started her period that day and wanted to cancel because of some intense cramping. So, our final rescheduling was to Monday and Wednesday of the next week, 12/6 and 12/8. Sofia, my aunt, and I plan to film at my house on Monday for the most of the scenes, but specifically the ones involving myself. On Wednesday I had already made plans weeks ago so Sofia plans to film on her own at her house with the help of her brother. To account for my absence I plan on providing the necessary props for the scenes she will be filming. We will do all of our editing on Thursday, 12/9, and finalize the music video on Friday, 12/10. Considering the lack of time, there will hopefully be no rescheduling after this. I plan to use this experience to improve my communication and planning skills by making everything more clear to all parties involved.


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