A Bloody Good Time

Yesterday I formally met the rest of the acting team, Elena and Kay, when we met up to film. Ariel was also supposed to join us but got held up with a transportation complication. I managed without Ariel well, taking over camera work using my personal phone and referencing the storyboard and screenplay several times. Elena and Kay were comfortable in front of the camera and quick to catch on to the attitude of each scene. Elena and Kay also knew each other before filming, aiding in the compatibility of actors working together. Elena is playing the part of Sam and Kay is playing Noah. Elena perfected the goofy demeanor of Sam, making the idea of her getting them all lost in the woods surprisingly believable. Elena was the star of most scenes filmed today as Sam survived longer than Noah. Elena remained focused on task and suggested improvements throughout the filming session, such as recommending a new area to film when the one we were in was too muddy. Elena also came prepared wit...