Starting With a Slip

    Where some projects start smoothly, most start with a few trips and hold ups. This project was no exception, beginning with scheduling conflicts. Where our first filming date was set for February 4th and 5th, due to some confusion with times and standard, yet unforeseen, scheduling conflicts we eventually pushed our first filming date back to our first backup date, February 20th. I had anticipated pushbacks, but never so many and so significant. However, despite the extremely tight schedule that's been made, I'm still confident in our recovery skills. To combat these setbacks, the editing schedule will start a week sooner, beginning with the footage gained from February 20th. Then, filming dates will be set to the last weekend of February and first weekend of March, both of which will have longer hours to make up lost time. It's also likely there will be less takes during filming to save time and get through as many scenes as possible. With these faster scenes, there will be heavy communication between myself, Ariel, and our actors on how scenes should be performed before filming. Actors will also be given costume notes and recommended supplies (such as water bottles, long pants, and bug spray) to bring to each filming location. Going forward I hope to maintain more communication with Ariel and our actors to avoid scheduling conflicts in the future. I have also considered changing some of our actors to maintain a surer schedule. While our current planned actors fit their roles well, their reliability could be improved. I've begun to consider an older friend of mine and Ariel as possible replacements. Ariel will be most reliable, as she will always be on set regardless. My older friend may not be as reliable but is very flexible and willing to help. I also briefly considered a backup dog, but the time constraints are too severe to train and coordinate with a family or friend dog. This change may also mess with the comedy of having a chihuahua versus a larger dog. With these new safety measures in play, I'm sure any more problems will be overcome. I am wholly confident this film will pan out successfully.


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