Filming with Four Legs

    Today began the first true day of filming. Ariel and myself decided to start with all the scenes including Chico to get them out of the way first and allow some additional scouting of Easterlin Park. Filming with Chico turned out easier than expected, but still involved some unexpected hiccups. We began filming with having Chico standing over a body, which was simulated with a jacket over a large log and piles of sticks. There was little to no trouble keeping Chico in the area off leash, but due to the excitement of a new location and new person, he was reluctant to sit still. However, when I got out his training treats he was happy to go along with it. I directed Chico by leading him to the log, gently lifting his front paws onto the jacket, and giving the stay command. After this, I would stand next to Ariel and hold a treat just above the camera. It took a few tries for him to calm down and understand the instructions, but there were no other obstacles in that shot. In the park I noticed a convenient bush and had the idea of a shot with Chico ominously looking out of the bushes. Ariel agreed, and I began to lead Chico into the brush. This came with the unique problem of Chico being uncomfortable in the thicker bushes and resisting commands in an attempt to step back onto the known path. Ariel was incredibly patient with me and Chico as we set up and reshot the scene several times. Much like before, Chico slowly began to realize what was being asked of him and tried his best to follow suit. When trying to get Chico to run out of the bushes he instead delicately walked out of the bushes every time to avoid running into any sticks. I determined we wouldn't get him to move much faster than that and we all moved on to the next scene. The other noteworthy scene was of Chico running down the path. At the start, I tried to take Chico down the path and have Ariel call him from behind the camera while I hid behind a tree to stay out of the shot. We tried this 3 times before stopping, as Chico would only run halfway down the path before turning around and running back to me. From this, I figured Chico would be better suited to run to me from behind the camera and Ariel could take him down the path. The method was very successful, as Chico sprinted down the path to get back to me.


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