Title Design in Detail

Working Title: I s o l a t i o n

Font: Spartan

Color: White (on a black background)

Size: 50

The film title will appear after a cut to black in the last 6 seconds of the film before the director in the last 2 seconds. This will fade in letter by letter and fade out in reverse of the way it faded in. It will be on screen for 4 seconds.

Production titles will fade into the scene letter by letter and fade out the same way. They will be on screen for 3 seconds each.

Production Titles (in order of appearance):

Studio: Dragon Tamer Studios

Production Company: Zebra Hills Productions

Actors: Naliah Nettles, Sofia O'Connel Zamakis, Clarita Pavillard

Film Title: Isolation

Music: Per Kiilstofte

Editor: Naliah Nettles

Producers: Naliah Nettles and Amber Brown

Story: Naliah Nettles

Writer: Naliah Nettles

Director: Naliah Nettles


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