Starting with a Stumble

 The first filming session of this project was pushed back at the last minute to Wednesday, March 2nd, due to my underestimation of the length of the storyboard process. I assumed it would take a weekend or less, but it took about 4 days to complete and I restarted once to add more shots to the first five scenes. Now, the storyboard is complete and I was ready to film. I invited my main actors, Sofia and Clarita, but Sofia had something come up last minute and cancelled. This left me, who will eventually be playing the Demon, and Clarita, who would be playing the main character: the Lost Kid, which was shortened to Kid in the storyboard for simplicity. Another oversight on my end was my camera. On the day of filming I lost the charger to my camera, and without a backup camera I was in a tough situation. Luckily, Clarita let me borrow her GoPro so we were ready to go. Finally, to address the actual filming. To keep things simple we only filmed scenes with Clarita alone. We explored Easterlin Park, which I now plan to be our only filming location, and found a good location for filming. One of the struggles we encountered while filming was the other members of the park. We decided to film in between one of the disc golf holes, which meant we were occasionally interrupted by people playing disc golf. These interruptions were few and not very long, and the location was perfect for the scenes I wanted to film, so I kept the location the same. Something else that impeded our filming was my own allergies. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to grass and weeds, something fairly prevalent in a park, specifically in the woodsy location we were filming in. I took the appropriate measures, such as wearing long socks and taking allergy medicine before filming, but when I got home I still experienced undesirable symptoms such as itching. For the future I plan to switch to a different allergy medicine I hope will be more effective and wear thicker shoes and a light jacket. At the end of the filming day, we got several shots and further understood what the film would look like. The next planned filming day, Sunday, March 6th, I've made sure all actors are available and plan to film the chase scene between Kid and the Demon.


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