My Pitch

 Pitch #1: Tiny person lost in the backyard.

This whole film would be shot as close to the ground and as zoomed in as possible. Ants, beetles, and spiders could be enemies to the main character. The main character would be 2 inches tall at most and have prior experience in wilderness survival. Larger animals like birds and lizards could be climax antagonists. The story would follow the main character getting shrunk, surviving for a bit, then getting back indoors to the machine, and eventually returning to normal size.

Pitch #2: Teenager alone in a super desolate apocalypse.

The world would be nearly empty, as if 90% of the population disappeared overnight. The main character would traverse a city alone and slowly going crazy without the internet. The reason so many people disappeared would be unknown, but there are nightmare creatures running around trying to kill people. When the main character runs into another survivor, they slowly begin to realize the monsters may have been hallucinations. The supportive survivor, probably an older woman, would help the main character recover their sanity and the movie ends with them finding an abandoned farm and living together.

After long deliberation and consideration I have decided to go with the second pitch.


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