Intro Blog

 My name is Naliah Nettles, a 17 year old junior at Fort Lauderdale High, and I welcome you to the beginning of what guarantees to be a graceful roller coaster ride from hell. To tell you a little bit about myself, I'm a libra, I have two bearded dragons and one Chihuahua, and my favorite color is hot pink. I write poetry, mostly as a hobby, but I do participate in competitions (one of which I won) and open mic events. I dabble in short stories too, although I'm not as good at finishing those. Another past time of mine is video games. Video games have a lot of stereo types such as being for boys or being very violent. I can personally attest that I am a girl who loves all kinds of video games, most non-violent. Shooting games tend to turn me off, the bland army style and colors being too dull for me and the sharp sounds of bullets and bombs being too sudden for me. Getting closer to Media Studies, I am an amateur photographer. I've shot photos for my middle school and high school yearbooks, and written articles about said photos in said yearbooks. I'm not as active as I want to be, but I still take time to line up shots of my pets and environment occasionally. As for film, I have to admit I'm more of a viewer than a camerawoman. I love watching and commenting on movies and shows, specifically the story telling because that's what I'm most familiar with. Me and my mom watch documentaries and random shows together and my aunt Sarah and I go to the theater whenever a promising movie hits the big screen. Although this doesn't mean I'm never behind the camera myself. I film shorts of my pets and some spoken word poetry, as well as helping my aunt Sarah with her movies and film projects. I can't wait to see where this final task leads me and I'm excited to bring you along for the ride. So buckle up, buckaroo! Don't forget to secure your belongings and keep all hands in the air. Grab a pair of cool sunglasses and I'll see you on the other side!


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