
Showing posts from October, 2021

CCR Blog

Creative Critical Reflection 1. Snickers uses the term hangry and exaggerates it drastically to market its products. It also uses a collectable mentality by printing different labels on their wrappers so consumers may connect with a certain label and feel compelled to purchase the product. As for social groups, Snickers represents all age groups and markets as a healthy but great tasting snack. The peanuts can be used as a health marketing point because of the nutrients they provide and the other ingredients contribute to the sweet taste. 2. Snickers engages with its audiences through skits and ongoing jokes, as well as catchphrases such as "you're not you when you're hungry," and, "Snickers satisfies." Snickers, like other brands, maintains a casual tone that connects with a wide variety of ages and creates a light, friendly atmosphere that is inviting to possible customers. Another way Snickers engages with its audience is through the change of their brand...

Commercial Blog!

 The final countdown as come to an end. The commercial is completely finished! I had a lot of fun working on this commercial with my partner. My favorite part of the process was acting out the scenes in the short film. I am by no means an actor, but it was fun to try, and my partner and I shared several laughing fits over messed up lines or shaky camera work. Something I would take away from this experience would be to exercise my editing skills. If I am to continue in this class I need to at least know the basics of editing and I didn't learn as much as I wanted to during this project. Another takeaway is for me to more carefully consider my team members. Me and Sofia wasted a lot of time trying to set up our camera to film us while we acted out our scenes, something that could have easily been avoided if we had another member on our team. Plus, many of the blogs were done last minute, which I don't blame anyone for but it is something to think about. I cannot wait to start th...

Editing Is Hard, but Helping is Easy

 This, contrary to what you may believe, is not the final day for editing. My partner and I plan to edit our project over the weekend and take advantage of this extra time we were given. In the near future, the final touches will be added as well as the last scene: the fade out to the Snickers logo and motto. As it turns out, finding an ending scene like that online is harder than I first thought. This is no doubt due to the wide variety of Snickers commercial's out there. Snickers has gone through several catchphrases over the years, all of which change the style of the commercial, if only slightly. The phrase, "you're not you when you're hungry," has been outdated, so it is harder to find. In the end, we could not find a commercial frame with the slogan and Snickers logo, so we decided to create our own by taking a frame with the motto and editing the logo underneath it. This will be the final frame of our commercial project. Switching focus to the beginning of ...

WikiHow To Edit

 This is the first editing blog for our commercial and my first time editing anything ever. I have no idea where to begin with editing, but I trust I can receive advice from my partner and Google. The goal for editing today is to have one video all together instead of the several parts that are separated by scene. This will make editing transitions and adding the appropriate music all the easier. This will also improve cooperation, as it is much easier to send one file back and forth instead of six. To achieve this goal, I will have to review all of the footage with my partner and choose the best takes for the project. By the end of filming, there were numerous takes for each scene of the commercial, multiple of which were useable, which makes narrowing it down difficult. Additionally, I am terrible at making decision, so this will be a challenge in and of itself. However, I am confident that I can move past this minor issue and continue to edit the commercial with little issue. As...

Finally Finished Filming!

 Today marks our second and final day of filming for our commercial. Thankfully, we had no costume malfunctions or missing props. Although the Snickers bar we used was the same one from our first filming session, and the only one we had, so it got a bit difficult filming Sofia eating it aggressively. We had a limited amount of takes we could film considering how small the Snickers bar would get after eve ry bite, but we managed to get enough. Instead of setting up our camera, today I did most of the camera work. I filmed the final two parts with Sofia acting as the bully while she filmed my final quick lines. The best part about holding the camera for most of our shoot was being able to sneak pictures and videos of Sofia between takes. Most of them don't look like much, but I caught a video of her dancing at the beginning of our filming session that I am proud of. Unfortunately, she deleted the video before I could send it to myself. Despite this, I'm still determined to retrie...