Quick Schedule Shifts (and Updates)

 I may have mentioned the changes in the script and storyboard due to the story shifts, but I should also mention shifts made in the schedule. It's important to keep the schedule in mind for all projects, but especially ones with schedule changes such as this one. With all but one filming session complete, editing underway, and finalizations being prepared it is a good time to identify specific dates. I like to make a schedule blog personally for myself as it helps keep me on track for the future and gives me an idea of where my partner is in their process. To start, 3/11, today, will be made exclusively for scheduling and filming preparations. Giving a whole day for this puts less stress on everyone involved, especially Ariel and me. Having time to prepare for filming also helps understand what I will be filming so when the cameras role I know what to expect and how to direct. One of the ways I plan to prepare for filming is by giving my dog Chico a bath and brushing. Chico isn't a particularly dirty dog, but a bath still helps freshen him up and leave his fur more moisturized and shinier. A bath also helps raise Chico's spirits, as he likes being clean and presentable. This will make him easier to film and train with. Next, on 3/12, I will film Chico's remaining at home and running away scenes. Currently I have a good idea of the shots I want to capture and poses I want to put Chico in, which I will expand upon after finishing the schedule and the day of filming. However, I'm not planning too rigidly to leave room for on-the-spot ideas and improvisation. Allowing for flexibility leaves room for creative possibility. I believe improvisation also gives more life and personality to the film and its characters. This will keep the comedy of the film intact as well. Finally, from 3/13-3/16 Ariel and I will be editing and finalizing the film. While Ariel may be doing most of the editing, I still plan to help out as well in the beginning of the film. Once we've finished editing, we'll finalize the film and plan to have it reviewed by a higher-level film student. While this schedule is now in place, I still leave room for adjustments.


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