
Page 1:

This page starts the film in the woods, showing the main character, Kid, walking around and picking up rocks. Kid shows boredom in the second panel by kicking up dirt, but is still wary as seen in the final panel where she looks around. It is made clear there is something else in the woods by the bushes rustling in the fifth panel and the foreboding music that begins in the fourth panel. This page is mostly uneventful, but it sets up the location, mood, and attitude of Kid. The titles here are slightly rushed to fill up space and leave more space for more intense scenes later in the film.

Page 2:

This page starts the rising action as the Demon accidentally reveals themselves by snapping a stick behind Kid in the first panel. The second panel gives a close look at the Demon's shadow, confirming there is a demon but keeping it vague as to keep the audience intrigued in the suspense. I thought of putting the title in the shadow early into this process as a play on the meaning of the title. This is another reason all credits before this were closer together in time, in order to get the title in this panel. Titles after this are more evenly spaced out. The kid acts like she doesn't know the Demon is behind her and turns around to pick up another rock. In the last panel after the kid has approved the rock she picked up she starts to sprint away from the Demon and the background music gets more intense.

Page 3:

This page has the most action with the bulk of the chase scene with the Demon being here. The first three panels show Kid throwing a rock at a metal sign to create a distraction for the Demon. Unfortunately, she misses and the Demon continues to chase. In the fifth panel the camera shows another rock flying out of nowhere and hitting the same sign Kid was aiming for. Kid expresses her confusion and pauses before it transitions to the next set of scenes. These scenes happen fairly fast so the titles aren't in the running shots.

Page 4:

The second to last page introduces Survivor, who yanks Kid into running another direction in the first panel. They run together across a small street and toward a bathroom to hide. Right before entering the bathroom the music swells to create high tension and after they slam the door closed to lock themselves in the bathroom the music falls. There is a pause while Survivor listens for the Demon in the fifth panel that allows tensions to ease slightly and to allow curiosity to come in. Kid encourages this curiosity by questioning the Survivor in saying, "I thought... I thought everyone was gone."

Page 5:

The final page details the conversation Kid and Survivor have in the bathroom while hiding. It starts with Survivor answering Kid's previous question in confirming the world isn't as deserted as she thought. The survivor remains tensed and suspicious but still asks Kid's name in the next panel. The Kid shrugs and feigns indifference, claiming she doesn't remember it. Survivor abandons that conversation by checking outside for the Demon and confirming it isn't out there anymore. When Survivor suggests they leave Kid incredulously asks where they would go. The final shot is a two shot of Survivor and Kid running out of the bathroom after Survivor reveals they're going to, "The Nest."


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