Script Blog

Scene 1:

    - The Lost Kid is walking down a trail in the woods, looking for rocks.

    - Lost Kid picks up a rock and sighs because it's too small before discarding it.

    - Lost Kid: "this place sucks."

Scene 2:

    - Lost Kid picks up another rock and hums in appreciation.

    - Lost Kid: "this'll do."

    - Non-diegetic sound: Foreboding music

Scene 3: 

    - Lost Kid puts the rock in her bag.

    - Stick snaps behind Lost Kid.

    - They turn around to look and find nothing.

Scene 4:

    - Shadow shifts on the ground.

    - Diegetic sound: bushes rustling

Scene 5:

    - They turn back around and pick up another rock.

    - Lost Kid: "Now this is a good rock." *smiles*

    - After approving the rock, she starts sprinting down the trail.

    - Non-diegetic sound: Music picks up.

Scene 6:

    - Lost Kid throws a rock toward a sign and misses

    - Lost Kid: "Frick!"

    - Demon is sprinting after Lost Kid

Scene 7:

    - Another rock hits the sign Lost Kid was aiming for.

    - Diegetic sound: Rock hitting the sign.

    - Lost Kid slows down and looks around.

    - Lost Kid: "what?"

    - A hand reaches out and yanks Lost Kid toward a bathroom.

Scene 8:

    - Lost Kid and Survivor run toward and enter the bathroom.

    - Non-diegetic sound: Music slows/comes down

    - Lost Kid and Survivor take a second to breath.

    - Lost Kid: "Wh... I thought everyone was gone."

Scene 9:

    - Survivor: "not everyone."

    - Survivor looks Lost Kid up and down.

    - Survivor: "what's your name?"

    - Lost Kid shrugs indifferently.

    - Lost Kid: "I don't remember."

Scene 10: 

    - Survivor peeks out the door to check for the Demon.

    - Survivor: "Coast is clear. You ready to go?"

    - Lost Kid: "Go where?"

    - Survivor: "To the Nest."

    - Survivor swings the door open and pulls Lost Kid outside.


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