Group Blog

 Unlike my previous two projects, this time I'm working alone. For my last two projects I worked with my best friend Sofia who was in my class. We worked well together and always produced something unique that I was proud to be a part of. However, in light of her switching schools, I've elected to go solo. It's true that I could simply team up with another member or group from my class to lighten the load, but I have a few reasons for refraining. The first is familiarity with my class. One of the main reasons I worked well with Sofia was because we were friends for a long time before entering the class. Our high level of familiarity contributed to understanding, comfortability, and easy outsourcing. Grouping with someone I don't know, or know very little about, for such an important project will lack all of these essential aspects. It would be harder to bounce ideas around with people when I don't know how they think. Bringing up personal obstacles or situations with my classmates would be uncomfortable. Plus, when we need extra hands on the project it will be difficult to work around with siblings, parents, or other peers I'm not familiar with. Another aspect of this is trust. I have earned trust in Sofia and myself, but not with any of my other classmates. Dividing work will be skewed because we may not trust each other with certain parts of the project. Filming and editing will also suffer, because I may not be able to trust just any kid to meet a deadline or show up to a location on time. Working by myself allows me to triple check my work at any time and make quick edits or changes without long discussions. The personal detail in this is my generalized anxiety disorder. I have a hard time connecting and relying on people, which sometimes even includes my friends and family. It would be almost impossible for me to be comfortable enough to bring up ideas with such new partners. For these reasons I'm choosing to work alone. I have full confidence that I can still keep up with other groups regardless. I'll also still outsource with my friends and family, even if they won't officially be a part of the project.


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