Materials Mix-up and Editing Everything

 Today was originally scheduled to be a filming day, but the filming location, Sofia's house, became too loud and active to properly film without interruption. To remain active today and avoid another push-back, this became an editing day and tomorrow was designated for filming. Since my partner has all of our footage and the editing software I lack, she is doing all the heavy lifting while I provide advice and support. However, before the editing started, I discussed our materials with my partner. The plan was to have multiple Polaroids of the Victim for the final scenes in the Stalker's house, but the Polaroid camera I had planned to use didn't have an film left. I tried to find any existing photos I had, but the ones I had weren't something that would be taken by a stalker. So, I decided to use my recent school ID photo. It was also planned to have a variety of pictures of people in the Stalker's box. This wasn't achievable because of the lack of Polaroids as well. Also, I was reluctant to ask anyone for stalker-like photos of them because of the breach in privacy. To compromise this problem, Sofia suggested using one of her own old school ID photos. I agreed because since that photo was taken, she had drastically changed in appearance. Then, I further discussed the lipstick in relation to the photos. Firstly, in how it tied to the Stalker's gimmick or signature. Most serial killers develop a uniqueness about their crimes that sets them apart from any regular occurrence. In our video, since there are only two different photos to work with, the Stalker will still be developing their gimmick, which is why they drew on the Victim's photo with her lipstick. This gives more character depth to the Stalker and suggests a possible continuation in the future. Secondly, how the lipstick would be drawn on the Victim's photo. The original idea was to draw an X over the Victim's face to symbolize her fate: death. However, we changed it so the Stalker would draw a heart around the Victim's face instead. This keeps it more connected to the music, as it is a love song, and keeps the story consistent, as the Stalker is supposed to be in love with the Victim. Additionally, this makes the action of using the lipstick much creepier, as you don't see many serials killers who mark their kills with hearts instead of X's. As for the editing, not too much was done in the way of our planning for filming the following day. I helped decide which takes to keep and delete for each scene, as well as what ideas needed to be scrapped. For example, we had around four close up shots of the lipstick on the ground where the Victim had dropped it. Our first shots were in a darker location and the later shots were in a brighter location. We chose to keep the shots shot in the lighter location because it was easier to see the lipstick on the ground.


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