I Can't Act To Save My Life. Literally.

 Despite all odds, we had to push back the first filming day once more because of an unexpected rainstorm. However, in spite of the odds stacked against us, filming itself went surprisingly well. I invited my aunt Sarah to assist with filming because she has a lot of filming equipment, such as cameras and tripods, and filming experience since she is in film school herself. Once everyone arrived, we gathered our supplies and went to the first filming location: a collection of picnic tables in from of a lake. Here we filmed our first scenes, in which I did most of the acting. Since we were filming a long shot, I struggled with communication with the camera team, Sarah and Sofia. I found trouble in the scene where the Victim was meant to drop her lipstick because it was difficult to drop it naturally and on command. Although we pushed through with Sarah's suggestion of keeping the lipstick in the fold of my shorts. Following the scenes at the picnic benches, we filmed the Victim entering her house and the Stalker watching her. We change the shot of this scene from a still to a pan because the layout of the set was different from what was expected. Specifically, we planned to have the Stalker by the elevator while the Victim entered her apartment, but the elevator was too far to get a good shot. We changed the shot to pan away from the Victim walking inside her apartment to behind her on the stairs. This proved to be a success and after a few takes it we were satisfied. Also during this scene I struggled with my role because my dog Chico wasn't a fan of climbing up and down the stairs multiple times for many shots. There wasn't anything I could do to make him happier and taking a break would be pointless when the takes were only seconds long and the sun was rapidly falling. Filming the next scene, the kitchen scene, presented a plethora of ideas from everyone present. We began with the original idea presented in the storyboard, but when the Stalker was hard to make out in the growing darkness outside, we took to new ideas. While filming a shot where the lights in the kitchen flickered, I enlisted the help of my mom to flick the lights. I didn't play a large role in this stage as Sofia was the focus, but I did change my position from at the sink to closer to the window in front of a cupboard. The final scene filmed today was really where I shined, or rather, flopped. The final scene filmed today had me reacting to loud knocking at the door, but for life of me I couldn't act scared enough. Sofia and Sarah attempted to coach me, but I struggled keeping a straight face and showing enough emotion. I moved too little or too slowly most of the time, but after several attempts I did eventually get enough feeling into my movements. After filming, I provided some cheese danish for Sofia and myself, because Sarah had already left.


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