This is our full storyboard for Chico's Revenge. Page 1- This page is the first 6 shots of the conversation that the boys have before they enter the woods. Here we see friendships and characters established. Page 2- These shots lead up to the boys arriving at the woods, with Evan's character as the "responsible" one being made known. Page 3- A sudden cut to the woods in the afternoon is shown, brining a sense of humor to the situation, as Evan clearly did not want to go. Their relationship with the woods is established here. Page 4- The first "scary" event happens here, with Noah having his ankle snapped at by a goose. Humor is brought in through Noah's reaction and Sam's claim of spiritual warnings. Page 5- This page is where things start to pick up. Noah's dead body is found and the boys start to realize that going to the woods was maybe a bad idea. Page 6- More humor is potrayed here (through Sam again), by him not thinking ahead, as he ...
Creative Critical Reflection 1. Snickers uses the term hangry and exaggerates it drastically to market its products. It also uses a collectable mentality by printing different labels on their wrappers so consumers may connect with a certain label and feel compelled to purchase the product. As for social groups, Snickers represents all age groups and markets as a healthy but great tasting snack. The peanuts can be used as a health marketing point because of the nutrients they provide and the other ingredients contribute to the sweet taste. 2. Snickers engages with its audiences through skits and ongoing jokes, as well as catchphrases such as "you're not you when you're hungry," and, "Snickers satisfies." Snickers, like other brands, maintains a casual tone that connects with a wide variety of ages and creates a light, friendly atmosphere that is inviting to possible customers. Another way Snickers engages with its audience is through the change of their brand...
The film has been coming along nicely, with editing nearly complete. I've nearly finished my portion of editing, which I plan to completely finish over Spring Break. When finished with my current editing, I will work to aid Ariel in her remaining work and begin on the film's postcard and website. One of the biggest problems we faced with editing was background music. With no plans beforehand, I had to help come up with music on the spot. However, I found the process to be pretty fun. Especially finding common horror film sound motifs. With these, I found a theme to give Chico whenever he is on screen. This common trope of giving the killer a sound motif in horror movies is one of my favorite parts of them, so it was very cool to be able to use that method here as well. Although I previous worry I had has recently come to pass. We may not have enough footage for our film. I think the film may suffer from feeling too short with our last-minute changes. However, last minute added...
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