Storyboard Blog

First Scene: The shot opens on The Victim walking her dog down at dusk and pans back over The Stalker’s shoulder to reveal The Stalker watching The Victim as the first lyrics flow in the background: “You’re mine.”

Second Scene: The camera will cut to a closer shot of the Victim as she fixes her dog’s collar, and a stick of lipstick will be noticeable in her pocket. The lyric in the background of this is, “Your lips belong to me.”

Third Scene: This will have the camera zoom in on the lipstick falling out of the Victim’s pocket and end on a close up of the lipstick on the floor. The lyric in the background of this is, “Yes, they belong to only me. For Eternity.”

Fourth Scene: The scene will switch to The Victim unlocking and walking through her door. After The Victim walks out of the camera’s view, a long shot will reveal The Stalker watching her from the elevator. “You’re mine, my baby.”

Fifth Scene: After a jump cut transition, the shot opens to a two shot of The Victim washing dishes in her kitchen and The Stalker behind her, outside the window with a camera. The Stalker will take a picture of The Victim, who will turn around at the flash. The Stalker will walk by like nothing happened. “And you’ll always be.”

Sixth Scene: This shot shows a low angle of The Victim sitting at her computer desk and listening to loud music through earbuds. The lyric in the background of this scene is, “I swear by everything I own.”

Seventh Scene: The Stalker will loudly knock from outside of The Victim’s door and draw her attention. She will take out an earbud and look toward the door before the scene cuts to black. The lyric in the background of this is, “You’ll always be mine.”

Eighth Scene: Through another jump cut transition, this scene opens on The Stalker walking into her kitchen covered in blood and taking off a bloody apron. The song continues with the lyric, “You’re mine.”

Ninth Scene: This scene is a close up of The Stalker washing blood from her hands in the kitchen sink. The music accompanying this scene is purely instrumental.

Tenth Scene: This scene depicts a box being opened containing many photos of The Victim. The Stalker will choose her favorite of the pictures and begin applying glue to the back of it. The lyric in the background of this scene is, and we belong together.”

Eleventh Scene: This scene will show The Stalker smoothing out her chosen photo on the wall. The background lyric playing for this scene is, “yes we belong together.”

Twelfth Scene: The final scene will show The Stalker writing “for eternity,” on the bottom of the photograph in blood and crossing out The Victim’s face in lipstick. The video will fade to black with the lyrics, “For eternity....


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