Planning Blog

Location: For our set location we have chosen to film outside of building nine, more specifically outside of the art studio. We chose this location because there is little foot traffic there during lunch and the lighting would be better than a more enclosed hallway. We plan to film the entire commercial in this location because our commercial takes place in the same location all throughout. Additionally, it is easier to film in one location than in multiple. 

Props: For props, we have a school lunch tray, a fork, napkin, and a Snickers bar. The school lunch tray, fork, and napkin will be used in the first scene for the school nerd to be holding. When the monster appears in the following scene, she will grab the tray, with the fork and napkin on top of it, and throw it away. We neglected to have food on the lunch tray to avoid making a mess and to not needlessly waste food. This is especially true considering we will have to do multiple takes, and if we had to get more food each time it would be wasteful. As for the Snickers bar, the school nerd will give it to the monster after the tray is thrown away. The monster will proceed to eat the Snickers whole, and her mood will improve drastically. Only one Snickers bar is necessary because Sofia, playing the monster, will just be shoving the candy bar, with the wrapper still on, down her mask instead of actually eating it. 

Costumes: There will be three costumes worn during the commercial: the school nerd’s costume, the aggressive monster’s costume, and the nice monster’s costume. The school nerds costume will consist of a plain T-shirt, jean shorts, and a backpack. The aggressive monster’s costume includes a monster mask, plaid shirt, and jeans. This monster is meant to copy stereotypical monsters found in the woods of horror movies. The nice monster’s costume is mostly the same as the aggressive monster’s costume, although instead of a plaid shirt she wears a dress shirt and tie. The switch is supposed to convey a more collected individual. 


On 9/22/21 we will conduct research on Snickers commercials and agree on a location, schedule, backup plan, props and costumes. 

On 9/24/21 we will draft our commercial’s storyboard. 

On 9/28/21 we will begin filming the commercial. We should have at least two full takes of the commercial by the end of the day. 

On 9/30/21 we will finish filming the commercial and possibly begin editing depending on how well the filming goes. 

On 10/04/21 we will edit the commercial and add any necessary effects, such as background music. 

On 10/06/21 we will finish editing our commercial and add whatever final touches are needed. 

Backup Plan: Our location is thankfully protected from most weather, but if we are not allowed to film in our chosen area, we will move our operation to the senior patio. In the case that we are prohibited from using our monster mask, we will simply film without it. If one of our group members is absent on a filming day, the member present will work on any revisions to the storyboard or post-production additions such as music and editing.


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