Improvisation Is Key

 Today marked our first day of filming for our commercial! It was originally scheduled for Tuesday, 9/28/21, but our schedule was pushed backed because our storyboard needed to be revised. With a complete storyboard, a couple of Snickers' bars, and our costumes, me and Sofia set off for our filming location. Though, we overlooked a very important detail: the demon mask. Due to our shared forgetfulness and unforeseen circumstances, we lacked the demon mask we planned to use for Sofia's costume. Good thing we planned a back up solution, which was simply filming without it. After some discussion, me and Sofia decided to rework our vision a bit since we now didn't have a mask. Instead of having Sofia play the demon, she would now play a bully. The only difference between the demon and the bully is the demon mask and the entrance. Originally we planned on the demon jumping out from around a corner, but instead the bully will walk into frame and push the nerd. All other aspects of the character Sofia is playing will remain the same. As for myself, no changes were made. For the first hour of filming, we had a hard time setting up the camera and finding an angle with good lighting. After struggling for so long, I eventually asked the closest teacher, Mr. Fitz, for some help. He provided us with an easel to stand our camera on and a rubber band to secure it in place. Once we had acquired these items, we finally hit our stride. During the filming process, I acted as the nerd and gave pointers after every take. I also took responsibility over our equipment, not including Sofia's camera. I kept track of all of our props, costumes, borrowed items, and personal items. By the end of the day we finished filming the first four scenes from our storyboard, a truly incredible feat considering me and Sofia's lack of experience in film and acting.


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