Group Blog

 I'm starting this new commercial project with an old friend, Sofia O'Connell-Zamakis. Me and Sofia go all the way back to sixth grade, where we used to be very different people but somehow managed to still be friends. Sofia and I are both in our Junior year of high school now. She is older than me by a little over two weeks but shorter than me by two inches. We are opposites in many ways: she loves listening to music and I barely do, she is an excellent artist where I find myself barely able to draw stick figures, and she struggles in mathematics where I excel. However, we get along extremely well, often finding ourselves talking on the phone for hours at a time. My friend owns three cats now, a true cat lady in the making. We have had many arguments over cats and dogs, which is better and why, but we both hold strong to our views. Sofia is also a fan of horror films, often citing different characters from horror films in our conversations. Her favorite horror movie is Nightmare on Elm Street because it was the first horror movie she had seen. A lesser known fact about Sofia is her fear of zombies. Despite being a fan of horror, the gore of The Walking Dead traumatized her for life. The reason I chose Sofia to work on this project with me is not only because she's my closest friend in our class, but because I know when push comes to shove she is great at applying herself. It's true, she struggles with procrastination, maybe worse than my own, but when she knows someone is relying on her she never lets them down. It's not as if I would let her get distracted on our project anyways; I have several methods of reminding us to get to work. Another benefit of choosing to work with an old friend is already knowing the person I'm working with. It makes it infinitely easier to understand each other with our history and experience working together. Spending time familiarizing myself with new classmates would take time away from getting our project finished. Moreover, the trust we share also makes decision making, planning, and working much easier. If I was working with someone I didn't know I would constantly be concerned about them finishing their share of the workload. To wrap it all up, I would never consider working with someone other than my best friend.


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